Sunday, 18 October 2020

Why You Should Eat Oatmeal Everyday ?

Today We Will Discuss Oats Benefits And If You Are Not Taking Oats At Breakfast Then Start Today 

Oats is the most healthy and nutritious food in this world . It is rich in nutrients and vitamins . Its scientifically proved that oats reduces heart disease and has many others health benefits . Oats helps to reduce weight and very good for our skin also . 

Health Benefits Of Oats :

Why You Should Eat Oatmeal Everyday ?
Oats For Health Benefits 

It helps to reduce blood pressure :- 

Oats is rich in antioxidant and contained with avenanthramides , a type of antioxidant .  Avenanthramides may help lower blood pressure level by increasing production of nitric oxide which dilate blood vessels and leads better and smooth blood flow . 

Control blood sugar :-

Oats is full of fibers which is essential to improve insulin response and hence reduce blood sugar .

Lower the risk of heart disease :- 

Oats contains soluble fiber . So eating oatmeal will control blood sugar level , lower bad cholesterol and prevent heart disease . 

Control the risk of asthma :-

Study shows that parents who feed oatmeal their children , those children have lower risk of asthma in later life .

Oats helps to get relief or prevent constipation :-

It is contained with soluble fiber which improves our digestion power and prevent constipation . 

Reduces the risk of cancer :-

A study from Harvard University has found that whole grain oats seems to lower the chance of dying from cancer . It reduces mainly hormone related cancer like breast , prostate or ovarian cancer . 

Provides body stamina :-

Oats is full of vitamins and minerals . Oatmeal is low in calories . Nutrient rich food oats contains with Magnesium , Iron , Copper , Manganese , Phosphorus , Selenium , Zinc etc . Rich in great carbohydrate and protein source , provides high energies and enhance immune system .

Best way to eat oatmeal :-

Having oatmeal at breakfast has the most benefits for our health . Oats with yogurt , fruits like apple , banana and mix dates with it and almonds gives you best result for health . You may add wall nut with it to get more benefits .

Oats for weight loss :-

Oatmeal is very low calorie diet and full of nutrients . It will help you to feel full for longer time . 

Oats for skin :-

Zinc , one ingredient of oats reduce inflammaion and kill the acne . 

## Boil half bowl oats with water , let it be cool . Then make a paste and apply on face and wait for 10 minutes . Then wash it .

It is very helpful for dry skin . It is natural moisturizer and remove dead cells . 

## Add some oats to your bath water and mix little amount of baking soda . It also reduces itching problem . 

Oats for hair :-

Oats strengthen hair and helps to grow quickly . And moisturizes and soften hair .

## Make a paste of oats with 1/2 cup milk ,  coconut oil and honey . Apply on scalp and wait for 40 minutes . Then wash with mild shampoo .

Know more about lemon water .

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