What Is Cinnamon :-
Cinnamon is an ancient spice that comes from the bark of Cinnamomum genus of evergreen trees .
Cinnamon is the highest ranked spice in the amount of concentrated anti-oxidant . On research with 26 herbs or spices , most benefits are of cinnamon . It ranks 7th in the total food in the world according to antioxidant . It has 41 protective compounds and gives us a lot of benefits .
Cinnamon |
Medicinal Benefits Of Cinnamon:-
Cinnamon is constituent with vitamin A, B, C, E, K and minerals - Magnesium , Calcium , Iron , Potassium , Zinc and Copper .
It cures TB , Bronchitis , Asthma , Allergies , prevent cold , protects brain , prevents and cure many forms of cancer .
It cures 3 main problems :-
A) Gynaecological issues
B) Respiratory illness
C) Digestive problem
1) It Lowers Bad Cholesterol :-
People with type 2 diadetes , taking 1gm or 1/2 tsp of cinnamon per day has shown beneficial effects on blood makers . It reduces 'bad' LDL cholesterol and triglycerids and increase 'good' HDL cholesterol .(1)
2) Control Sugar Level :-
Cinnamon decrease the amount of glucose that enters into blood stream after meal and helps to lower the sugar level . (2)
3) Reduce Inflammation :-
Cinnamaldehyde is the incredible compound that gives cinnamon its odour and flavour . It can ease swelling and prevents blood platelets from clumping together . Its anti-inflammatory qualities block certain substances associated with abnormal cell growth . (3)
4) Reduce effects of PCOS :-
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a hormonal disorder that causes ovaries to enlarge with small cysts on the outer edges . Cinnamon tea or cinnamon infused water with honey mat help reducing the effects of PCOS . (4)
5) Lower The Menstrual Pain :-
It is shown that woman taking cinnamon tea feels lower pain or anxiety during menstrual period than others . (5)
6) Fights Against Infection Or Fungi :-
Cinnamaldehyde , one of the main active compound of cinnamon helps to fight various kind of infection . It treats respiratory tract infections caused by fungi . (6)
7) Helps Digestive problems :-
It helps to absorb of nutrients from food and prevents bad effects of fat food . Cinnamon eliminates bad bacteria in digestive tract . (7)
How To Take Cinnamon For Medicinal Benefits :-
Soak cinnamon in a cup of water overnight and in the morning you have to drink it in empty stomach . After 30 minutes you can take your breakfast .
You can make cinnamon tea . Infuse cinnamon powder 1/4th tsp with worm water and mix honey . You can take it before meal .
Cinnamon To Reduce Weight :-
It activates the hormones that suppress hunger . Reduces bad effects of eating high fat food . It increase metabolism rate . Taking cinnamon tea per day may reduce 3 to 4 kg per month . It works fast if you take it with chia seed . (8)
How To Cinnamon For Weight Loss :-
Boil water and add cinnamon after boiling . Don't boil cinnamon , it may reduces the qualities of it . Collect the water , let it to be slight cool and mix honey .
Best time to take it is in the morning in empty stomach and at night before sleeping .
You can also infuse cinnamon dust with worm water and mix honey to make cinnamon tea .
Cinnamon For Improve Our Skin Quality :-
Its antioxidant , antibacterial and anti fungal property makes it useful against acne and skin blemishes .
Cinnamon improves blood flow to the surface of the skin , results a moist skin . (9)
How To Apply On Face :-
Mix 1/2 tsp cinnamon powder with 1 tsp honey , mix lemon juice and make a paste . 1st apply on very small portion of your skin to test if it suits or not . It may red your face or pimples it .
If suits , apply on face . Leave 10 minutes and wash it .
Do it once in a week .
Benefits Of Cinnamon For Hair :-
Cinnamon helps to grow hair strongly . It can boost blood circulation in the scalp . So more oxygen and nutrients can reach to hair follicles , nourish and rejuvenate them , it leads to better and healthier hair growth . (10)
How To Apply On Hair :-
Take cinnamon dust , honey and coconut oil or olive oil , mix them well . Apply on scalp and hair , leave it for 30 minutes . Then wash with mild shampoo . You can do it once twice in a week .
Risk Or Side Effects :-
1) If someone take medicine for diabetes or heart disease , he should consult with doctor .
2) Someone with liver problem should avoid it .
3) Sugar patient or after surgery , patient should not take it .
4) Pregnant woman or breastfeeding mother should not take it .
5) A normal person intake it maximum 4 grams in a day . More can effect on liver .
There are 2 types or cinnamon , regular cinnamon or cassia and true cinnamon or ceylon . Ceylon is costly and not available everywhere . Cassia is available in super market . A compound 'Coumarin' is more in cassia , which is harmful for liver and less in ceylon . So cassia should be taken in lower dose , 1/2 to 1 tsp in a day .
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